On August 30, Girls' Generation's Yuri and Sunny appeared in JTBC's "Let's eat dinner together". Both of the members succeeded in being invited the town people, and they could enjoy their dinner.
Yeah, all the celebrities who appear in the program do the same thing, but, actually, there's story behind Yuri and Sunny's appearance in the program. According to the producer of "Let's eat dinner together", Yuri and Sunny were different from the other guests, and she could film the episode very easily thanks to the two Girls' Generation members. Check out what the producer talked about Yuri and Sunny.
I was worried at first because it was first time for Girls' Generation to visit average family's houses. However, they did really great. Unlike the other guests, I didn't need to tell them to do something. They showed an enthusiastic attitude, and they definitely knew what they should do. That's why I could film the episode so easily. And they were not nervous at all when they pressed doorbells. You know, it has been 10 years since they debuted, and I realized how they're experienced in their work. Especially, I was surprised at Yuri's great sociability. She became intimate with the family in a very brief time, and she helped kitchen work too. She treated her elders nicely and with respect, and they liked her as if she were their own daughter.
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