Floyd Mayweather won Manny Pacquiao by unanimous decision. Have you watched the fight of the century held at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on May 3 2015?
It was a long awaited fight, and I was one of the boxing fans who watched the fight with a great anticipation.
By the way, it seems that some of kpop stars are angry about Mayweather's clever(or crafty) way of boxing.
On May 3, 2AM's Lim Seulong stated, "In such a big match.. Hey, Mayweather!" while JYJ's Kim Junsu(Xia) said "Mayweather, who was born to fight and Pacquiao, who plays boxing to live. I root for the latter." Actor Kim Sooro also tweeted, "Mayweather wins the title. Pacquiao wins the hearts."
"Some of you may wonder why so many Koreans support Pacquiao, not Mayweather. Well, there are two reasons for it. First, Pacquiao is Asian, while most of Koreans are in favor of the Philippines. As you may know, Pacquiao is a member of the lower house in the country. Second, just like many global boxing fans, Koreans think the fight between the two boxer is the opposition between good and evil. Yes, of course, Pacquiao is good and Mayweather is evil."

I'm not a boxing expert, but I want to talk about the fight between Pacquiao and Mayweather. Mayweather, who is a typical out boxer tried to keep his distance and get points in clever ways, while Pacquiao, who is a typical infighter, tried to watch for an unguarded point. Looking at the result, Pacquiao should move a little bit more aggressively if he wanted to win a victory. However, I don't think Mayweather is the right winner for the fight. Only thing he did was "Run & Hug," while Pacquiao was more aggressive than him. Mayweather was just occupied with his fear of defeat. Of course, I saw the statistics of the fight, but I'm sure Pacquiao did better than that. And one more thing. As a kpop journalist, I think Mayweather's dance was really terrible.
Anyway, the fight was more boring than expected. Both of the fighter were too careful because they had to fight against strongest opponents.
So, what do you think of the fight?
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